Product FAQs
Before contacting us, please take your time to read through our FAQs which may provide the answer to your questions. If you cannot find your answer and want to get in touch then please contact us through our contact us page.
Just For Fun - Enjoy the thrill of HUNY anytime, it does not contain THC, Nicotine, or Caffeine.
Party Essential - Perfect Pairing and adding joy to your night out!
Energy Booster - Bright burst of energy from the freshness of our flavors
Using HUNY is simple. Just pop 1 bead in your mouth, chew, and enjoy.
You’ll feel the cool burst of one of our 5 great flavors in your mouth, and will start feeling a sensation within one minute.
HUNY is for adult consumers 18+ only. We take the issue of underage usage seriously.
Nope, refrigeration isn't necessary. HUNY should be stored at normal room temperature and humidity. High temperatures or high humidity over extended periods of time can cause HUNY to melt.
For the freshest possible experience, enjoy HUNY any time before the "best before" date printed on the back of every case.